Your child must turn four years old by December 31st to be eligible for junior kindergarten. To be eligible for senior kindergarten, your child must be five years old by December 31st. To register for grade 1, your child must be six years of age by December 31st.
Click HERE to access Thames Valley's Kindergarten registration page.
The Ministry of Health updated its COVID-19 screening tool for children last Friday. When trying to decide if your child should go to school, please use this link: It’s a great link to bookmark and have handy for whenever your child fails their daily screen.
Click HERE to access Southwestern Public Health's Resources for Schools.
Click HERE to access Southwestern Public Health's Decision Tool for Parents and Caregivers.
If you have any questions or information to share regarding your child’s absence, please give the school office a call at 519-842-2461 or email
Our priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We have involved our local Health Units as part of our planning, while also following the directions of the Ministry of Education to ensure that our schools and workplaces are prepared and our staff and students experience a successful return.
We recognize that the ‘school life experience’ may not be as it was prior to the school closure period, and we remain committed to providing as robust of an academic program as possible, given the health and safety regulations provided.
Ongoing contact with families will take place throughout the school year to provide further details about specific school level information and board wide updates.
Click HERE to access TVDSB's Return to Learn resources.